This year's ART Camp is MORE Fun Inside and OUT!
The amazing private, walled garden of the Chihuly Collection will be transformed to a creative out-door play space for our Art Campers. Each day campers gather on their private yoga mat for “mindful mornings” and fun stretching and after lunch exercises. Campers can also play with the HUGE wooden Connect4 and GIANT Jumanji games, create bold designs in chalk, and enjoy other outdoor creative projects. Campers will also have time to explore the garden which features native plantings that have encouraged some endangered species of butterflies and lizards to take up residence.
Review our Summer Art Camp FAQs
Art Camp is held within the main Morean Arts Center building at 719 Central Ave, St Petersburg FL, 33701.
How has the Summer Camp experience been adjusted to accommodate new CDC and City Guidelines?
Cleaning and prep: All of the Morean facilities are routinely sanitized by team members throughout the day as we are open to the public. Team members have been trained to focus on high-touch areas and wear face masks and gloves while cleaning. The camp facilities and classrooms are included in this routine process. Each evening the professional cleaning crew does a deep clean and sanitizing process which includes Electrostatic Fog to prepare for the next day of operations.
Hand washing and hand sanitizing: Each camp location will have several stations for hand washing and hand sanitizing. Art instructors and camp staff will routinely remind campers to take a break and attend to hand cleaning. Please refer to the General FAQs on the Morean Arts Center website for additional details related to our touchless, social distancing and related facility practices.
Class sizes will be much smaller this year and campers will not be switching classes or teachers.
They will remain with their designated teacher throughout the day.
What will my child do during the camp week? Campers are in a self-contained classroom, meaning the various art processes will be taught in their classroom. During the week, 5-6 year old and 7-10 year old campers will learn various art processes (such as: exploring wet-on-wet watercolor, mono printing with Styrofoam, oil pastel resist, etc.) Through the art processes they will use the designated weekly theme to create art through both teacher-guided and self-guided experiences. In addition, campers will have opportunities during their day for creative expression in the use of small manipulatives, books, and puzzles. Teen campers will work in our various studios according to the medium and equipment they will be using during their week of camp.
What do the themes mean? The 5-6 yr old and 7-10 yr old themes are a jumping off point for teachers to plan from. Teachers may use various ideas such as cultural art, language arts, art history, or a master artist to interpret the theme.
Where should we go the first day of camp? Pick-up and Drop-off
We will be signing campers in and taking temperatures outside the buildings. We ask that parents refrain from entering the facility and use the drop off and pick-up car-line during designated drop-off and pick-up times. During drop off time, each child’s temperature will be taken. Campers who have a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or above or other signs of illness will not be signed in for camp. Parents are encouraged to be on alert for signs of illness in their children and to keep their child at home if they are sick.
All designated adults picking up MUST present a photo ID.
Can I request that my child be put in the same group as a friend? Yes, let us know at the time of registration if you would like your child in the same classroom as their friend. We will do our best to honor all requests. If you are registering your child over the phone, be sure to make special requests at the time that you register. Note: A request for an older child to be with a younger child will be honored only with the older child being placed in the younger group.
How should my child dress for camp? Dress for mess. Dress comfortably (jeans, sneakers, t-shirts). Closed toed shoes are required (no flip-flops). “Roller or Heely” shoes are not allowed at camp.
Do you offer extended care? Yes. Extended care is available in the morning and afternoon at the Summer Art Camp at the Central Ave. location. Morning care begins at 8am and Afternoon care ends at 5:30pm. For your convenience, we offer extended care at a daily or weekly rate. (For pricing, please see website.)
Will there be snacks? The Morean does not supply snacks. We will take a break in the morning and afternoon as needed and children who need to re-fuel can do so at that time. Please pack finger foods and an extra drink if needed.
Lunches Lunches may be brought from home. Lunches will not be refrigerated. Please include a freezer pack in your camper’s lunch, if needed. We do not limit any foods from being brought onto the premises. We do prohibit food-sharing/trade between campers, but we do ask that parents make us aware of their children’s allergies to that we can keep an extra eye out for the safety of those with food allergies.
Where will my child eat lunch? All ages will have lunch in their classroom or at the Chihuly garden space.
What is your registration and refund policy?
- Registrations: Payment is due at the time of registration. Enrollment is on a “first-come, first-served” basis.
- Transfers: Campers may transfer to another week provided space is available. Transfers must be made at least 7 days prior to the start of their scheduled week of
- Cancellations: The Morean Arts Center reserves the right to cancel any session which does not meet minimum enrollment, in which case a full refund will be given.
- Refunds: Withdrawal from camp must take place at least 7 days prior to the start date of their scheduled week of camp. A full refund will be issued less a $25 administrative fee. For cancellations made within 7 days before the start day of camp, no refunds will be issued.
Who can we contact in case of emergency or for any reason?
Morean Arts Center Guest Services 727-822-7872 x2110
Heather Petersen – Director of Education 727-822-7872 x2121
Amy Ilic-Volpe –Education Coordinator 727-822-7872 x2136
Explore the Summer Camp Schedules