Creative Visual Games (WORKSHOP)
with Rebecca Skelton
1-Day Workshop
Saturday, June 2, 2018
Skill Level: All Levels
Art games stimulate the imagination and nurture creativity. The participants need only to possess the drawing skills of a child. Playing contacts the subconscious by allowing us to go outside of our ordinary selves, which enhances our creativity. Imagination and play is the core of creative art. Participants take home their work from class, but the true value of the workshop is the expanded sense of possibility garnered from the experience of exercising the imagination. Basic materials (pencils, copy paper, colored paper, crayons) will be furnished, but feel free to bring anything you would like. We will begin with a guided meditation to unblock creative energy to get us started.
Member $35
Non Member $40
All supplies included.

For more information, please call the Morean Arts Center at 727.822.7872