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Rebecca Skelton drawing hands

Heads and Hands: Figure Drawing
with Rebecca Skelton

Tuesdays, 6 classes

Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced




Offered for:
Spring Session (April 17, 24, May 1, 8, 15 & 29) – CANCELLED


Students will concentrate on heads and hands, but may also work on feet, ears, and other areas that inspire terror. Think of this class as a fun version of an “immersion therapy”. Gesture, contour, volume studies, simplified architectural shapes and general proportions help in observing and analyzing the problem areas. We will be tying these studies into the whole figure. Students should have some experience drawing from a model.
Objective: Learning to see and reproduce the true shapes of complex forms.
For most classes we will use the same format. Warm up will be blind contour and gesture. In these processes, we will explore conscious and subconscious observation. Most classes will include some demonstration. We will follow with 15-20 minute studies. We will emphasize at least one different approach each week. Among the approaches will be envelope forming and cutting away of negative spaces, organizational lines, geometric construction and cross contour, the idea of working from the simple to the complex, tonal drawing, light and dark pattern, and volume constructions. Usually the last drawing of each class will be connecting the head/hand to the model.
Optional as time allows: other “parts” like feet, knees, or elbows that students wish to study intensely.

For first week:
Soft Vine or Willow Charcoal (12 sticks should be enough for 6 classes)
Kneaded Eraser
18″ x 24″ newsprint pad
Workable or final spray fixative (or Aquanet hair spray)
Drawing board (optional)
For later classes:
White, black, and brick red NuPastel, conte, or charcoal – sticks, soft
Graphite sticks or pencils, or woodless pencils – 6H, HB, 4B, 6B, and possibly others
Black pastel or Charcoal-type Paper – 2 sheets
1-3 sheets medium gray or various pale colors of charcoal or pastel papers
18” x 24” white drawing pad
Masking or drafting tape
Chamois skin or substitute

Member $180
Non Member $210
Model fee included
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For more information, please call the Morean Arts Center at 727.822.7872