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Let’s Paint a Blue Heron Together Workshop with Linda Griffin

Two Dates:

Saturday, May 4 


Saturday, May 18

10am – 3pm

Price: $100

During this five-hour workshop, you will begin and complete a watercolor painting of a blue heron. The blue heron is a lovely and native bird seen here on the West Coast of Florida and is a local favorite. If you have taken one of my classes before you might have painted a bird with me but, it took several class periods. In this workshop, you will leave with a beautifully completed painting of your own blue heron. The image of the bird will be released to you when you enroll. Please trace out or hand draw the image of your bird on an 8×10 piece of watercolor paper, 140 lb., cold pressed prior to class. (I also recommend taping off your paper to have a nice border) Whether you are new to or confidently established in painting …this day spent will be one you enjoy and cherish!

We begin the morning with coffee and croissants and will spend a moment getting to know one another. After coffee, we will begin to talk about colors we will be using, format and then jump right into painting! I will guide you through small sessions at the front of the room and then release you to take your turn independently repeatedly throughout the process. This will give you the confidence and guidance you might find with a one on one guided process. After approximately an hour and a half to two hours we will stop for lunch which, of course, you can do on your own or we can do together at one of the lovely restaurants within walking distance of the Morean. Upon returning from lunch we will commence on the background and finer details of our lovely Blue Herons.

In addition to your 8×10 piece of watercolor paper you will need:

If you have your own paints feel free to bring them…we will be using paynes grey, ultramarine, cerulean, alizarin, red orange cadmium, cadmium yellow, sap green, and ivory black. If this is your first time with watercolor I will be happy to share some of my paint with you so you can give it a try risk free. 😉

The brushes we will be using will be 8 or 6, as well as, a 2 and a very fine brush for small details like a 00. ( All rounded) Again, if it’s your first time painting and the only supply you have is your paper I will happily lend you some brushes.

This watercolor class will be a day well spent whether you are a beginner or an advanced level watercolorist. Can’t wait to see you!


 Instructor Biography: Linda Griffin

Linda Griffin is originally from Delaware and has lived in Florida since 1996. Growing up in the Northeast she spent a lot of time outdoors digging in the dirt and catching frogs. Her love of nature appears as a central theme throughout all of her artwork. Studying fine arts as a minor at the University of Delaware, she spent a lot of time sculpting and developing film. It wasn’t until about ten years ago that she tried watercolors for the first time. She has been commissioned to paint portraits of people and houses throughout the United States. She has been teaching art for over 20 years.

Linda continues to draw inspiration from the natural world around her within her watercolor compositions and has also recently expanded into the medium of inks, still drawing from nature, but in a more graphic and simplified style. She is also currently exploring painting on a variety of surfaces such as tree bark and creates overlays of natural fibers. She has just begun to explore pastels as well.