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NEW! Wood Fired Pottery
with Matt Schiemann

Saturdays, 6 classes
10am – 12:30pm

Skill Level: Intermediate/Advanced

Offered for:

Wood firing is the oldest method of firing ceramics and has it’s origins in every society. In this six week class, we will be spend 4 weeks making work to fill one of our wood fired kilns. These kilns are fired with wood as the only source of heat, achieving temperatures that are so hot, the ash from the wood will melt and create a naturally glazed surface. Students will partake in every aspect of this process from learning how to properly load a wood-fired kiln, to stoking methods and patterns, how to read and understand the flame as well as demonstrations on how to created work for a wood kiln and glazing and methods. This is a class that is ideal for the intermediate to advanced student.

This class also comes with a $30 additional fee to cover the purchase of wood. This fee will be collected during class.

Member $170
Non-Member $200
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To register by phone, please call the Morean Arts Center at 727.822.7872

All ceramic classes will be held at the
Morean Center for Clay
420 22nd Street South
St. Petersburg, FL 33712