More Art More Creativity More Experiences More Engagement More Impact

Working BIG with PollyzoomWorking Big (Youth Class)
with Pollyzoom

Saturdays, 6 classes

Ages 7-12

Offered for:
Winter Session 2 (Feb 27, March 5, 12, 19, 26 and April 2)


Kids will learn how to enlarge art from smaller drawings, work larger and learn how artists “work big”. Kids will create a mural together, learn how and with what materials mural artists work. St Petersburg is a city with big art; this class teaches the kids how the artists make it so BIG!

All supplies included.

Wokring BIGMural Jump Teen Camp

Member $100
Non-Member $115
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To register by phone, please call the Morean Arts Center at 727.822.7872

Instructor Profile

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The Morean Arts Center is proud to partner with Paula Allen (aka Pollyzoom) to bring our children some of the most creative, innovative and inspiring classes around!

Pollyzoom is a creative experience comprised of musicians, choreographers and designers who work together to create live art through fashion, international art projects, live art events, sound, visual and performing arts…and classes and workshops.