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Fun with Mixed Media Workshop with Rose Marie Prins

Saturday, April 6

10am – 4pm

Price: $120

In this day-long workshop students will explore a variety of media, both traditional and non-traditional. Participants will incorporate collage elements and found objects into two-dimensional and bas relief works of art.

Our day starts with introductions. It continues with a brief, fun, group warmup exercise relating to mixed media. We’ll continue with demos and discussion of painting techniques focused on a variety of media. Then we’ll start on our paintings with individual guidance incorporating elements from the morning’s warm-up project. Our day ends with a friendly and constructive critique.

Materials List:

  • 1 (or more) stretched canvas(es): approx. 18″ x 24” or, for beginners, 8” x 10” or 9” x 12” primed with gesso 24 hours prior to painting, or other support such as cradled panel
  • Old photographs or photocopies of old photographs and other memorabilia
  • Paintings and drawings that you’ve done in the past that are unresolved or unfinished (your art rejects)
  • Small, “precious junk” items you may like to include in your project: such as beads, old costume jewelry, broken toys.
  • Ribbon, decorative paper, fabric scraps, lace, yarn, string and wire scraps—as available
  • Acrylic paints** (oils optional,** bring Liquin instead of acrylic medium, plus odorless turpentine, or water based oils)
  • Oil pastels (ideally water soluble) if you have them
  • Pencils: (2H, plus 4B or 6B)
  • Soft vine charcoal
  • India Ink (optional)
  • Matt knife or Exacto knife, Scissors
  • Adhesive/acrylic medium such as Modge Podge or acrylic matte medium
  • Inexpensive bristle brushes (variety of sizes, including large)
  • Masking tape, 1/2” wide
  • Water jar
  • Drawing board–if you have one
  • Palette
  • Palette knife
  • Other materials of your choice that you want to experiment with
  • Glossy magazines for you to cut up for collaging
  • A bagged lunch with your name on it

** Colors I recommend: Titanium white; Zinc white; Cadmium yellow, pale and medium; Cadmium red, light; Alizarin crimson; Ultramarine blue; Thalo blue; Yellow ochre; Burnt sienna; Burnt umber; Thalo green, Mars black

Rose Marie Prins, PhD, is the recipient of numerous awards and honors. Her mixed-media paintings and sculptures have been featured in solo and group exhibitions in museums, cultural centers and galleries throughout the United States, including the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; the Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland; Florida, and the Gulf Coast Museum, Largo, Florida.

Her work is in public, corporate, and private collections in the United States, Canada and Europe. Residency fellowships include Casa Jupiterfab, Guadalajara, Mexico; Sanskriti Kendra, New Delhi, India; also, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Amherst County, Virginia and Moulin au Nef, Auvillar, France.

Rose Marie has taught painting, drawing and sculpture at colleges and universities throughout the Greater Tampa Bay Area as well as at the Morean Arts Center where she has taught for over two decades. She currently lives in Albuquerque, NM