More Art More Creativity More Experiences More Engagement More Impact

PARKING DISCLAIMER: Please note that the Morean Arts Center is located in a rapidly developing portion of downtown St Petersburg, FL. Parking in our two designated lots is limited and cannot be guaranteed. You may have to park your car up to several blocks away in a 2-or-3 hour parking spot. Our instructors are aware of the possibility that you may have to excuse yourself from class to move your car once your parking time has expired. The Morean Arts Center is not responsible for parking tickets nor will refunds be issued on the basis of having to park your car outside of our designated lots.



ART SNAP: Sock Snowmen
with Sara McClarnon

Offered on several dates (choose one or all):
* Friday, December 9. 6pm-8pm

No need to bundle up in layers and go out into the cold to make these snowmen! Come craft using tube socks, rice, and decorative materials to make these adorable little guys.
These snowmen make great gifts for the holidays, or use them for your own Christmas decorations! With easy-to-follow instructions, there will be lots of decorative options to customize each snowman to your taste. Then bring them home and show off your creations to friends and family.
This is a great project to get you into the Holiday Spirit!
No experience needed, just come to have fun and create!

Facilitator: Sara McClarnon

Pre-Registration Required. Supplies included.

Register Now: December 9
To register by phone, please call the Morean Arts Center at 727.822.7872