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Introduction to Embossing Techniques
Workshop with Melissa Pickering

Friday, April 14

12pm – 3pm

Price: $60

Delicate shadows, a mystery revealed in certain light, embossing is a precious yet simple form of printmaking. In this workshop, we will use a classic Charles Brand press to practice the techniques of blind (without ink), embossing (raised), and debossing (indented) printmaking. You’ll experiment using found objects and cutting shapes into matboard to create a beautiful and unique print on fine cotton printmaking paper. Some art or printmaking experience is helpful, but not required.


+ $15 Materials Fee payable to instructor at start of class

Instructor Bio:

Melissa Pickering is a printmaker splitting her time between Boulder, CO and St. Petersburg, FL. She received a BA in Literature from CU Boulder and an MA from Naropa University. She has studied fine art since high school and printmaking since 2008, and was an artist in residence at The Boulder Creative Collective. Melissa has shown her work in Boulder, Denver, and New Jersey. Her work focuses primarily on social and political issues using various techniques, specifically intaglio collagraph, relief, and chine-colle.

Her latest series, Fray/ed, is an exploration of the concept/definition of the word, “fray”, as in clothes fray from age, ongoing strain frays nerves, societal structures are fraying, there is fray of activity, don’t jump into the fray. Walking neighborhood streets in Florida during the pandemic, the artist encountered palm leaves, or fronds, that had fallen to the ground, decaying, with frayed edges. Through these objects, she understood that her own nerves were being pulled apart from loneliness and loss, watching the news, seeing evidence of fray/ed everywhere. Fray/ed is an attempt to capture a state of transformation in the artist, in nature, and the world. It strives to both pull at the thread as well as stitch pieces back together.

Instagram: @talismanplace