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Exhibition Statement

The Artist in Residence (AIR) Program at the Morean Center for Clay aims to enhance and further the educational experience of clay artists seeking recognition in the professional realm. The AIRs at MCC are comprised of individuals with either their bachelor’s or master’s degree in art who are interested in working in a studio setting to continue to foster their growth as a ceramic artist.

During their time as AIRs, they are encouraged to build their body of work, teach classes, apply to shows and participate in group and individual critiques. A solo exhibition which is held in the Spring each year, serves as the capstone experience for the program, highlighting the concentration of the artist’s work during his/her time at the Morean Center for Clay.

The AIR program is highly competitive, attracting dozens of applicants from across the nation for only six positions each year. After completing the program, the AIRs have gone on to graduate school, to own and operate their own studios or have become professors at colleges and universities.

The 2020-21 Aritists in Residence are seen here in the Function space of the Morean Center for Clay. Left to Right: Kodi Thompson AIR Alumnus and now Manager of the Morean Center for Clay, Max Holden, Catherine Mills, Claire McCauley and Tyler Quinton (AIR portrait by Beth Reynolds)
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