Beginning/Intermediate Drawing & Painting
with Carmen Cruz
1pm – 3:30pm
Skill Level: All Levels
Offered for:
Fall Session 1 (Sept 19, 26, Oct 3, 10, 17 and 24) – 6 classes –*Dates updated (pushed forward) due to Hurricane Irma*
Fall Session 2 (Nov 7, 14, 21, 28, Dec 5 and 12) – 6 classes – No class Oct 31 for Halloween
This class will focus on the principles of drawing and painting. From the simple geometrical shapes of the “still life” to elaborate forms of the human figure. While using primary colors (red, yellow and blue), we will learn to mix a wide range of colors. There will be many projects and students are encouraged to bring their own ideas. Techniques like pen and ink, negative painting, textures, will be introduced.
Student Supply List:
-Watercolor paper preferably ARCHES – rough or FABRIANO or any other that is 100% cotton.
-Drawing paper, kneaded eraser, pencils
-Colors (Winsor and Newton, or Holbain, or graham or any good transparent watercolor):
-Permanent Rose
-Cobalt Blue
-Burnt Sienna
-Ultramarine Blue
-Yellow (Aureolin) or Gamboche
-One number 2 round
-One number 8 round
-One – 1 inch flat for watercolor
-Watercolor Paper “Arches” 140 lb rough
Cost (6 classes):
Member $145
Non-Member $175
For more information or to register over the phone, please call the Morean Arts Center at 727.822.7872 ext. 2121
(If class has already begun, please call to inquire about late registration.)