Calling all Morean member artists! Who influences you? Are you inspired by a certain artist, writer or musician? Someone famous, or a friend or family member? You are invited to submit ONE work of art inspired by your “influencer.” Your work should reflect the way this person has impacted you. It does NOT have to be a portrait; it can be any subject matter and any medium.
* Please fill out the form below and submit no later than June 15th. We are unable to accept artwork without this form being filled out prior to delivery. You’ll receive an email that your submission was successful (please check your spam folder).
* The delivery date for artwork is Saturday, June 28 from 10am to 5pm.
* ONE piece per member.
* Work must not exceed 40 inches in any direction, including frame. 30 lbs. maximum weight.
* We will have ID labels to attach to the back of your work when you arrive for delivery. Please make sure you don’t leave your work at the Morean without your name on it!
* This exhibition is open to current Morean members. If your membership has lapsed, just renew at time of entry.
* Please include a $15 entry fee at time of delivery. Entry fee is waived for artist-level members or higher.
* Work should have been completed within the last year and not previously exhibited at the Morean.
* Hanging work should be properly wired. No sawtooth hangers, please! Paint must be dry. We will not accept any artwork framed with glass. Please use plexi or acrylic when framing.
* The Morean retains 40% commission on the retail price of the work sold during the exhibition. If your work is not for sale, please mark the appropriate box and list the insurance value in the space provided. Retail price may not exceed $5,000, and insurance value for NFS work may not exceed $3,000.
* Artists will be paid by October 20, 2025 for work sold during the exhibition.
* OPTIONAL: Please submit a digital image of your artwork by June 15th for possible use in publicity. Email images to: [email protected].
June 15, 2025
Deadline to submit image of artwork to [email protected] (this is optional)
June 15, 2025
Deadline to submit this online form. We will not accept any work without a completed form.
June 28, 2025
Deliver artwork to the Morean Arts Center (10am to 5pm)
July 11, 2025
Members Preview for the exhibition (5 to 7pm). Awards announced that evening, time TBD
July 12, 2025
Opening reception for the exhibition (5 to 8pm). Free and open to the public.
September 25, 2025
Last day to view the exhibition
September 26 – 27, 2025
Pick up work from the Morean Arts Center (10am to 5pm)–subject to change
Questions? Please contact Amanda Cooper, Chief Curator, Morean Arts Center at [email protected]
Please fill out the form below no later than June 15th to participate in the exhibition: