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This is How I Got So Fat: Paintings by Nancy Cohen

Nancy Cohen is a classical oil painter in the chiaroscuro style of the Old Masters, but with a contemporary twist. She paints the things that inspire her: light filled florals, still life, and landscapes. At the top of the list recently is food, especially desserts: cakes, cupcakes, ice cream cones, and candy. She likes juxtaposing her serious masterly painting technique against such a frivolous and fun subject.

Her current series, entitled “This is How I Got So Fat,” although whimsical, underlines a serious message. Nancy believes that celebrating something that many people find shameful makes a powerful statement about acceptance of differences and the ability to be confident without having to be perfect.

About this body of work, Nancy says: “I think ‘art’ can seem serious and intimidating for many people. I hope that my work brings humor and humanity that can make art more approachable and accessible. What could be more fun than seriously executed paintings of fluffy desserts and juicy fruits with maybe even some gum balls thrown in? One thing I’ve learned as an artist – everyone loves a painting of a giant donut!”

Nancy studied with realist master Gregg Kreutz at the Art Students League of New York. She has shown work through galleries in New York and Florida as well as at the Art Festival Beth-El and has won awards at the Hudson Valley Art Association and the Art Students League of New York. She is currently represented by Woodfield Fine Art in St. Petersburg and serves on the Board of Directors for the Warehouse Arts District. She welcomes visitors to her studio at the ArtsXchange in St. Petersburg every second Saturday of the month and also by appointment.